Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Manny and Sadie!

We've had a few requests for updates on the dogs so this one is for all of you animal lover's that love the dogs.  Manny is still a lunatic, at almost 5 years old he has not mellowed out at all.  He does love our big bag yard, loves eating all the different bugs in Tn, and has showed signs of OCD when harassing the squirrels in the neighborhood.  He still sneaks outside off a leash and has a few new friends in the neighborhood.  His new favorite person is Olivia because she loves to feed him from her highchair.  He has developed a taste for just about everything except peas and popcorn.  He is terrified of the vacuum and attacks the hair-dryer. He has gained a few more pounds and has a strong hatred for the mailman and UPS truck!  Sadie is as good as ever, however has recently become very protective over the girls.  Until she knows the person entering the house, she stands between them and the girls and will not let them close.  She follows Olivia everywhere in the yard and is constantly looking to make sure it is all clear (you never know when a rabid animal could attack!J/K)  Sadie now sleeps next to Liv's crib, and loves to give her kisses through the crib bars after nap is over.  She still loves to chase the ball and chase birds in the yard.  Both dogs wait at the window every single day in the afternoon waiting for Steve to come home from work:) Here's a few recent pic's, Enjoy!

Manny sun bathing on the deck
Both dogs helping Olivia look for Easter Eggs, (sadie thought they were balls)
Sadie posing for the camera
Manny interested in Maddie's bath!

Manny helping Mimi pull Liv in the sled this winter!

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