Friday, May 20, 2011

Goodbye Pacifier, Hello Potty Training!

     Clearly the 3-4 hours of sleep I have been getting since Maddie has been born has made me delusional and come up with these ideas without thinking them through...hence getting rid of Olivia's pacifier while there is a newborn in the house.  It started out as a great idea, or perhaps I thought it was a great idea after a glass of wine. Moving on, we told Olivia the Princess Binky Fairy was going to come last weekend and in exchange for all of her Binky's, she would receive a gift.  Again, didn't think this part out because I was searching the house for all of her Binky's, however the tricky part was trying to take the one out of her mouth without waking her up. The next morning she could have cared less about the sticker's the princess binky fairy had brought and didn't mention her binky until nap time.  She then proceeded to scream for 30 min. before falling asleep.  That night proved more difficult, Steve was out of town for work ( I had planned it that way, he tends to see Liv cry and he can't say no.....I know I know.. wait until she's a teenager then he's really in for it!) As I was trying to get her into her crib, and put pj's on Maddie, Olivia started screaming for her binky and ripping her wall stickers of her wall.  Three hours later, she was sleeping in my bed and I was defeated, however no binky!!  I peacefully slept for about 20 minutes before Maddie woke me up to eat.  Now, a week later she is sleeping through the night in her crib...that's the great news..... Instead of her pacifier, she now cuddles with a book...yes I said a BOOK.  Not just any book, a hardcover princess book that she sleeps right next to with her arm around.  If you put her to bed without the book, expect a war.  But at this point a book is better than her being 16 with a pacifier!!
     Now, moving on to my 2nd bright idea.  I decided to start the process of potty training in the middle of the binky situation, having a newborn at home, and being extremely sleep deprived.  We bought a new princess throne potty that when you "tinkle" a princess song magically plays.  We also bought princess pull-ups and stickers for bribery.  Well..none of it works....Olivia sees the pull-ups and runs the other way screaming "Mommy scared mommy scared of potty!" Seriously I am beginning to think that she is never going to get out of diapers.....

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