Thursday, May 9, 2013

Strawberry Picking

The Beane Family has been pretty busy lately! We are building our first house in Tennessee and never realized how time consuming it can be! On top of that we are getting ready for Aunty's Wedding and all the fun stuff that goes along with that :)  The local strawberry patch opened up and we thought it would be great to take the girls and pick some strawberries since they LOVE to eat them. At $3 a pound I thought it would be a great inexpensive outing.....well $30 later we left the strawberry patch. It's pretty safe to say the girls will never excel in any type of hard physical labor. After about 3 minutes Olivia started asking if we were done yet, if her sister could pick strawberries for her and on and on. Maddie on the other hand ate more than her far share of strawberries and was not a happy camper with an upset belly from the pounds of berries she was eating! Needless to say we may just head to the grocery store instead of trying to pick them ourselves!
Lina, Liv, and Maddie ready to pick some Berries!

attempt at a picture of both of them....
Liv Lin and Gabby!

not sure what Maddie is doing here...

the girls ready to start picking!

Maddie picked the strawberry, ate the strawberry, then put the remains in the basket

Liv on the hunt for some strawberries!

examining the goods

hard at work looking for berries

Maddie ready to eat some more!

The Beane girls...

Liv picking some berries

Maddie showing off her goods

yep thats her basket...

Liv convincing Maddie to carry her basket

the final product!

.....and ready for bed!!

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