Sunday, August 26, 2012

Smyrna Tball charity game!

Steve has decided to coach Olivia's tball team this year and they had a charity game and family fun day this weekend so we headed over to support the town!  Olivia recently got moved up to the older girls (5-7 yr olds) and her class is on saturday. We headed over to ballet then to the family fun day. Steve played in the coaches game, the girls played kid games to win prizes and candy, and we played some parent child games!

Liv getting ready for Ballet ( notice the softball glove, with ballet tutu!)

Steve played in the coaches game!

Olivia getting a tattoo!

Maddie not sure what duck to pick to win a prize..

Liv getting her face painted....

Maddie eating cotton candy bigger than her!

Mommy and Liv playing water balloon toss
Liv helping Maddie pick out a duck for a prize

Daddy and Liv practicing water ballloon toss

Maddie wearing Liv's softball glove as a hat on the way home...too cute!!

Pool Day

Since school has started we haven't had too many pool beach days, here are a few pictures of a warm afternoon day last week :)


This weekend we headed to the zoo to check a few of the new animals we hadn't seen in a few months. A new baby giraffe had been born ( I know kinda boring but seriously very exciting to a 3 year old who has seen the new baby on the Internet 100 times!) We met our friends Mike, Sophie, Laurie, Shawn and the kiddos for a hot morning stroll through the zoo. It was only around 85 when we got there about 9:30, but by the time we left was close to 95, we are all ready for some cool fall weather to get here! The girls had a great time, Maddie is learning all of her animals names and sounds they make, and Liv loved walking with the map and telling us where to go! Both girls did really well for the first two hours and then Maddie basically crashed and fell asleep in the stroller. Liv was asleep by the time we pulled out of the parking lot in the zoo:)
Liv showing Daddy the animals on the bridge

Maddie and a puppet, she loved it!

Liv Mommy and Maddie during snack time ( aka 10 minutes after we got there!)

Daddy and Maddie on the carousel!

Liv Sophie and Maddie ready to play! ( yes this was the best picture out of 10!)

We saw our friends Finn and Laina at the zoo too!!

Olivia thought she was soooo cool riding by herself with the girls!

Daddy had no fear trying to hold the birds!

The twins in charge in the bird cage

looking at the elephants!

Girls looking at the merkats!

Olivia NOT sharing her cotton candy with Sophie

Daddy and his tired big girl!

Maddie showing us how to do some leg stretches!

Mom and Liv looking at the elephants!

Sophie and Maddie all smiles!


Nap time~!

Liv loves the goats!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Things we would never admit as a Parent!


Before we had kids, Hubby and I had this completely unrealistic idea of what we would be like as is a few on our list that once we had the girls, were erased from our memory!!

Talk in annoying baby talk to your children..saying things like "wa-wa" for water and adding a Y to everything...

Bribing with tv and candy.....before I had kids never thought I would say if you eat 2 bites of veggies you can have a bag of M&M's....really were is the nutritional value here people??

Being THAT parent that you used to stare at and give dirty looks too when their kids were throwing a tantrum...go ahead I dare you to say something to this Mom about her child's behavior (i.e. no sleep due to 1 or 2 sick kids, hubby gone traveling, and normally have the flu or some other illness that you have no choice but to "work" through)

Suddenly googling learning stages and developmental stages after a late night glass of wine..instead of "coach purse sale".....

Lick my finger and wipe something of my kid's cheek........

Leave the house without showering, putting on make-up, wearing pjs.....ok really didn't want to admit this one, but especially since having 2 kids 2 years apart there are some days its inevitable

Be so curious about Bowel movements...not sure how to word this, but as a parent you check it often, you make sure everything is coming out ok and often...yup never thought this would happen

Take their temperature, and not up there arm.........enough said

Bribe that Santa is March...

Pray Pray Pray that the girls don't give Hubby or me Half the heartache, trouble, and mischief that I did to my own mother as a teenage....but its called Karma!!!! (eeeeek!)

Monday, August 20, 2012

First day of school

Its the most wonderful time of the year.........Olivia is back to school~! Drop off this year was a breeze, Liv walked right in and started playing. Maddie also thought she was going to school and did not want to leave the preschool!!

Olivia not awake ready to eat breakfast!

Maddie always ready eat!

sisterly love :)

somebody said something funny!

New backpack and lunchbox

she looks so old!!

outside of school

too cute!!

yes I took a picture of her name on the wall

Lunchbox and nap mat

Maddie also thought she was going to school!

Livs classroom

Olivia and Caroline :)

could care less I was leaving, I had to make her come hug and kiss me!!! ( sniff sniff..)

Last Day of Summer Vaca!

  On Liv's last day of summer vaca we hung around the house and played outside, while getting her stuff ready for her first day of school:) We set up the kiddie pool on the deck and the girls had lots of fun playing in the water. We had a few Popsicle's, which both dogs sat patiently next to the girls eating the dropped pieces on the ground! Manny has recently taken an interest in the kiddie pool and tries to jump in and swim with the girls ( or cool of from the heat!) Both girls love it when he gets in and immediately try to unintentionally drown the dog! Olivia LOVES to swing and is great at pumping so we usually swing at least a few times a day! I cannot believe our summer has flown by so quick! We had a great visit on Cape Cod visiting all of our family, lazy days in the pool, and lots of bike rides, lemonade stands and ready books in the shade. I am going to miss our semi-unstructured days, but am ready to get back to our busy fall routine which includes, school, ballet, t-ball, and visits from our family :)

Liv dancing on the deck


Olivia trying to keep Maddie in pool

notice Maddie behind Manny.....she barrel rolls out of pool!

Walking girl!~


love this picture


Maddie has been into hugging Manny lately

and another hug!