Friday, November 11, 2011

What I love....

So this post is all about things that I love, no recent stories about the playground, or latest milestone....this blog post is strictly about things I love!
I my husband takes our daughter's on special daddy daughter dates,and plans to for the next 5o years, whether it be chuckie cheese or a sports game
I taking a 10 minute shower can make me feel like a new person, even if it's my first shower at
I love how hearing Olivia say, "momma" really does make my heart melt into a thousand pieces
I love how a glass of wine and a girlfriend can make me feel like I am still a woman, not just a mother....
I love how Olivia is trying to teach Maddie how to crawl, it makes me remember all the great memories my sister and I grew up with...
I love how seeing the Johnson and john sons commercials for nurses makes me get geared up and call my mom to say thanks....
I love how the cotton fields look first thing in the morning in the fall in Tennessee
I love how a few close friends help our family feel like we are not 1500 miles away from home during the holidays....
I love how I have taught kindness and charity to my 2 year old, she sees a homeless person and wants to give money, and has already picked out numerous gifts to give a child in need this Christmas...
I love how I got talked into a minivan and say I hate it, but secretly love how easy it is with kids....
I love that my husband skypes with us every single night he is away each week....
I love how 10 years ago I would have never imagined living in the south, being a stay at home mom to 2 kids under 2, married to a guy from Bourne, yet could not be more thankful and grateful for this Oprah would say.....
"Be thankful for what you have, you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never ever have enough."

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