Monday, November 21, 2011


This weekend we headed over to Bass Pro-Shop's to go visit the Santa land they have! We always tag along when Steve heads there because Liv loves to see the fishes and turtles so we were pretty excited!When we first walked in there was a carousel with reindeer, polar bears, and moose which Liv got a big kick out of! They had ton's of different activities from writing a letter to Santa and putting it in his mailbox to trying out a few toys (which Steve had more fun than Olivia doing!) We had a bet going to see if Liv was going to be afraid or not of Santa..... After waiting in line for about 20 minutes she walked right up to Santa holding Steve's hands.  She sat on his lap and started chatting away, her first line was, "Hi Santa I am Olivia Ruby Beane and this is my sister Madelyn Rose Beane) all of the "elves" were laughing because she just started chatting away. Maddie on the other hand was trying to eat Santa's beard (which was real) and he was politely trying to get the girls to smile for a picture!!
Our cutie pie!

it is still weird to wear flip-flops during the holiday season~

Liv chose the moose!


seriously had to talk Steve out of buyng this for her!!!

anyone see a pattern here?...

Liv putting in her mail for Santa

checking out the fish while we wait for Santa


Liv did not want to stop talking to take the picture...

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