Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My aha moment at the DMV...


    So anyone who watched Oprah knows the significance of an aha moment...the Internets definition is, "It's a moment of clarity, a defining moment where you gain real wisdom - wisdom you can use to change your life."  I happened to have mine today, of all places at the dmv when I was getting my new Tn license...
     Steve left early yesterday morning for a business trip until Thursday so I was alone with the girls for the week.  Last night Olivia woke numerous times, and around 3:30 ended up waking Maddie so I had to feed her to get her to go back to sleep.  In total I was up 6 times between 10-6am, so you can imagine how tired I was.  We were running late this morning to drop Liv off at school, and I forgot her lunch box so we had to turn around making us even later.  Fast forwards to 3 hours later when I am sitting waiting for my number to be called. As I was swearing under my breath about how they need to hire more people and where the heck our the tax dollars going, a young couple sat down next to me.  I of course love to talk to any adult since the majority of my days are spent with a 6 month old who babbles, and a 2 year old.  We started talking about Maddie ( who of course was going #2...stinking up the entire place......seriously!!) when I told them we had moved down from New England and was finally getting around to becoming a resident. I then asked them why they were there and it turns our someone had stolen the man's identity and he was trying to get a new ID.  As his number was called before mine, his girlfriend started chatting with me while he was at the counter.  Turns out that not only had his identity been stolen, but his bank account was wiped out also!  I sat there telling her he was in a surprising good mood for all of this happening and THEN she says the WORST part, that he had lost his mom last year to cancer,  and ever since then he had a new outlook on life.  I sat there stunned in silence mumbling the usual stuff your supposed to say, when all I could think about was here I am complaining about my lack of sleep and rushed morning when in fact this is NOTHING compared to what matters in life.  As my number was called we waved good-bye and I couldn't stop thinking about the young man and how he had chosen to look at the positive side in the situation.  I admit that I have a GREAT life, I have a husband who loves me and the kids, who works hard to support us and let me stay home and raise them.  We have close family and friends who we see often, and we have two healthy girls that we are raising very comfortably....  So from this moment on, I will be looking at the positive things in life, no more complaining about minuscule issues, the glass is half full for me:)  I urge all of my readers to do the same and I have a feeling it is going to make everyone a little bit nicer to each other!!

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