Saturday, December 8, 2012

Zippo the Elf!

It's that time of year again when our elf from Santa comes to visit us from the north pole! This is the second year Zippo has visited the Beane Family and we Love it!! Each night Zippo flies to the north pole to report back to Santa. In the morning he is in a different spot and the girls have to find where he is. Our elf tends to get into trouble at night, things such as toilet paper and tooth paste are a regular and Olivia and Maddie love to wake up and find out where he is! There really is nothing better than christmas time with little kids, and it makes Steve and I appreciate the holidays. We LOVE the magic of the girls talking about Santa, being good girls, and the act of giving to the less fortunate:)

Zippo hung up Liv and Maddie's underwear and diapers where our stockings were!!

Santa wrote Liv and Maddie a letter when they both were naughty girls!!

Barbie, Zippo, and Minnie playing Candyland:)

Zippo got into the flour in the kitchen:)
Zippo when he delivered the letter from Santa

Zippo hanging out in Olivia's undies

Zippo decided to make some popcorn in our new popcorn maker!

He made a mess!!

Zippo hangin from the lights...notice our cat Lilly at the bottom

Zippo just chilling

1 comment:

  1. Zippo's the man! I'd never heard of Elf on the Shelf before this year, now it's like I see them everywhere... It's like they're watching me too... uh oh-
