Friday, March 30, 2012

Mimi's visit-horseback riding!

This really sounded like a good idea when I was planning things to do with my Mom when she came down to visit, however I quickly remembered that it is not one of my favorite activites.  Mimi and Olivia had a great time, in fact we are going to have to bring Olivia again she was such a natural everyone at the stable said. Of course my horse decided to blaze his own trails by going through brush and trees and I have scratches all over my arms. The horse literally did not care what I did with the reins, and had me getting whipped by tree branches! Liv loved holding the reins, petting the horse, and looking at everything along the trail!

Mimi and Liv reading the rules

the reason I am smiling is because it was BEFORE we started

Mimi, Liv, and their horse Red.

just hanging out on the trail

Olivia loved going through the streams

only in Tn do we pass cows on our ride!

Liv didn't want to leave and cried when she left Red :(

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Since I started this blog, when Olivia was about 9 months old, I wasn't able to document her birth on here. Today she is turning 3 years old so this is a perfect opportunity to share it with everyone!

 Olivia was in charge of the show from the very beginning. A solid 9 days after my due date, with an induction date set, she decided to make her grand entrance into the world! It was about 6 am and I woke up when my water broke. I snuck into the bathroom to call my mother and OB because Steve was a little riled up and I didn't want to deal with his chaotic self until I was ready to leave for the hospital. My plan didn't work and stuff burst into the bathroom hysterical because he had heard me talking on the phone.  We were not in a rush and made sure to stop at Dunkin Donuts ( I had to argue with Steve to NOT get in the middle between preggers and Donuts)  We got to the hospital about 7am and after many many hours Olivia Ruby Beane was born around 7 that evening. We were both in love from the moment she was placed in our arms. Olivia gave us the gift of becoming parents. We have never been so blessed and continue to be in awe of all that Olivia Ruby Beane teaches us everyday!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Car Wash!

So on another hot afternoon, I thought we could wash our cars and Liv could wash her toys also :) I parked Maddie in the walker under a tree and got to work washing the cars!

Maddie mesmerized by the water from the hose!

Liv hard at work!

She loved washing all her toys!

Didnt want her glasses on, she just wanted to wear then like that!

Sadie gaurded Maddie the whole time, best dog ever!!!


Liv even washed Maddie's play car!

She ended up completley drenched about 2 min. later!

washing her wheels on her big girl bike

all that hard work deserved a treat!

hanging out in the shade :)

2 seconds after I took this picture, Maddie tried to grab Liv's popsicle and it was all down hill from there!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

85 degrees in March

Since the weather has been beautiful, we decided it was time for the kiddie pools to come out! We had a fun playdate with our friend Caroline and spent the whole time outside in bathing suits, it doesnt get much better than that!

Maddie wanted to be in the pool immediatley!

who knew cups were so much fun?!?

the girls making towel angels (we dont have snow so we improvised!)

half in half out of the pool...

pulling with all her strength!!

hmmm...what the heck is this???

and YUCK...into the mouth it goes!!

not sure what this face is??

Liv swinging!

trying out water hopscotch!

the girls did great taking turns!

lots of fun!

surveying the scene...

Maddie so curious!

Maddie   watching her big sister!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Beane's are gardning!

We headed over to the local farmers market to get some fresh fruit and veggies. While we were there we saw fruit trees, and after talking to the very friendly worker we decided to buy a peach tree.  Of course Olivia had to help Daddy dig, plant and water and wearing her heels!!

Liv pushing (pulling) Maddie on the swing

Maddie loves the swing!!

Liv pushing her doll in the yard before the real work begins!

Look at sassy Liv with her hands on her hips....

Liv decided to put her doll next to the new tree while they dug a hole

The dogs were helping too!

Liv watering the newest project!