Sunday, January 8, 2012


Sorry peeps, no pictures with this blog post, just a rant about how incredibly blessed I have been feeling. Perhaps I'm being neurotic but I have one of my worst fears is that my children will grow up spoiled and expect certain things rather than work for them. So the Beane Family has started a thankful jar, each day Liv and I will write something we are thankful for. I'm hoping this will begin to teach her how to be Grateful. After I had given the girls a bath tonight, (Steve is traveling for work) Maddie had fallen asleep on me and we were on the couch watching Livs favorite movie. As I was starring at both girls I had this overwhelming emotion of pure happiness. Not the kind where you get that outfit you've been eyeing for half price,but just a pure happiness that I felt so grateful for. I have two healthy beautiful daughters that we are raising and I never want to forget these quiet moments that I have with them. I feel so grateful that we took a chance and moved very far away from all of our family and friends and started over without knowing anyone. It is still hard to be so far from family, but we have the means to visit whenever we want, which I feel very lucky for. Financial gain does not make one happy, but when you work so hard it is gratifying to be able to provide for our children, save for a house, and have that extra money to take vacations. I'm grateful that our girls will know and have relationships with both their grandparents. This is important now, as well as 10 years down the road, to show family traditions, old story's about us, and summer vacations without their parents! I'm grateful that I have a husband who LOVES to be a father. If I ever got sick, I have no doubt that he would do a wonderful job raising our kids:) I'm also grateful that after 5 years I still love him like our first date and still get butterfly's when I see him. I'm grateful for our animals, yes Manny included! When I've had a hard day and the kids are screaming, our dogs (and cats) are always there offering support and love with a simple lick:). I'm also grateful for my new friends, a quick phone call or text makes me feel like I'm not so alone down here. It's funnny how a dinner out with a gf or two can get you recharged and ready for a new day! It's comforting to know that your not the only mom out there who has dried throw up from your infant at breakfast, in your hair dinner time. I'm also grateful for my mum, who no matter what.. picks up the phone and answers some ridicules "mom question" I have. Last week we were CONVInCED Maddie had cystic fibrosis, And after calmly talking me down from my hysteria, we determined that it was a minor cold....perhaps it's because it almost my 30 birthday, or that I am truly happy,orfinally maturing, but I feel truly blessed to be where I am in life. The majority of my days may be filled with nonstop elmo, diaper changes, and bottles, but I never want to forget how lucky I really am to be me (corny I know!).....

"Never let a day pass without looking for the good, feeling the good within you, praising, appreciating, blessing and being grateful. "

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