Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wilderness class!

So, as many of you know I am not the biggest nature you can guess that I was a bit skeptical when a "wilderness" class was suggested for Olivia to take.  I had no information so I was not sure what it was going to be all about. Trying to dress Liv in a "wilderness type" outfit also proved to be challenging and I need to remind Mimi that Liv needs more than dresses:)  Of course from the picture's you can tell Liv is ready to go on a hike in her dress and tights...just kidding! After driving into the backwoods of Tn (ok a local park but there was a lot of trees,) we unloaded into the center.  There were lot's of dead stuffed animals from squirrels to snakes...I was horrified yet Olivia loved it! The class itself wasn't bad, we sang songs about animals and of course Liv felt the need to start dancing! We learned about bat's and made a paper bat's. We then took a nature hike to look for bat's. Olivia took her walk very seriously as I was chatting away, and I had to scold her for pushing a little girl who tried to hold her hand :(

 Other than taking Liv to her activities we have been laying pretty low in Tn.  Steve was away on business last week so we are glad to have him back :) Pregnancy is going well, starting to show already which is crazy!  I am only really sick in the morning so at night's I have been eating like crazy! My ice-cream obsession has kicked back in, however nothing compares to the friendly's back home:( Liv now points to my belly and says baby, which is super cute. Another lovely thing Liv has learned to do it take off her clothes and diaper. One minute she is fully dressed the other she walks around the corned in the dining room screaming bum bum and pointing to her tush.....we are in big trouble!!!

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