Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cooking 101!!

  So I recently took Liv to her first cooking class.  She had a more fun eating the ingredients then making the food! We met our friend Matti and Jonas there and the kid's had a blast making mini turkey's and trail-mix!  I made Liv her own apron and it was a fun afternoon. Of course now whenever we are in the kitchen she wants to cook!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nashville Zoo!

 We headed to the zoo yesterday and we had a blast! It was typical weather down here, freezing in the morning and by afternoon in the mid-seventies!  We saw all sorts of different animals including elephants, zebras, flamingo's, and cows. Of course my camera died half-way through our trip so some of the pictures were taken with the phone.  They had a carousel at the zoo which Olivia loved. The minute she saw it she had to go on it screaming Me!!Me!!!The zoo was huge and very clean. We had so much fun walking around, of course by 10 am I was starving so we had to have a food break :)  They had a bird sanctuary where you could feed the bird's which I was a little nervous about Liv going in but it ended up being very safe. The zoo also featured a small petting area where there were goats and sheep. Olivia walked right in like she owned the place, sat down next to two baby goats and started petting them. Steve and I couldn't believe it, until we heard her say, "hi doggieeee" and realized she thought they were dogs haha! We lasted just about until lunch time, when Liv started melting down, and of course we weren't even out of the parking lot and she was already asleep!

Home Depot and Chainsaws!

Last weekend we headed to home depot so Steve could get a chain-saw to chop up the wood in our backyard to use as firewood.  I know what your thinking...I too was extremely nervous with Steve using a piece of equipment by himself!   While we were at the depot, they had a kid's demo where kids could make their own spice rack.  This project turned into Mommy's project where I was hammering nails and using glue while Olivia poured out and played with glue on the table...note to self anything involved with hammers and nails will need to wait a few years!Here are a few pictures, Enjoy!
Liv holding her spice rack and certificate of completion!

how do you turn this thing on..hmmm.....?

no injuries, a success :)

Olivia was mesmerized by our yard work!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Boo! A not so scary Halloween

So our first Halloween in Tn was pretty low and a family friendly event.  We had a few friends over the night before and Steve was instructed to only make holiday themed food.  He made a great taco dip with a spider web and mummy hot dog's! The next day we carved pumpkins, Steve's was off course Boston themed sports, big surprise there :)  We went to the the local Y for a preschool pumpkin patch party with Olivia in her outfit, it was fun to trick or treat at the different booths, however this feel around dinner and bath time so Liv was not really the happiest camper, especially when she wanted large amounts of candy before dinner! We did see our new friend Bella and Sophie there so that was a special treat :)
       On the actual holiday we headed out around dinner time because Liv has a pretty early bedtime and I did not want to get her off schedule. As we went house to house we noticed our cat Lilly was following us. She sometimes does this when I take the dogs for a walk so I wasn't too shocked. However, when she started trying to go into people's houses that were handing us candy it became a problem. We attempted to hiss at her so she wouldn't follow, however after a small child walking by asked his mom why we were hissing we , quickly stopped that approach! Steve eventually got her into the garage where she stayed for the rest of our activities. Liv loved going house to house, except she wanted to walk into everyone's house.  She did not understand the whole concept and more than a few times we were pulling her out of neighbor's front hallways!  Of course we saw lot's of kids, probably over a hundred, but we thought Liv was the cutest of course!

Jumper's playhouse and the Smartest Dog!

Just a quick description of the picture above. Manny was locked in the garage and we didn't realize until he started barking. When we went to check it out Manny had not only managed to get into the trash, but get his head stuck around the garbage bag tie and dragging the bag around! It was so funny I managed to get a pick so all of you blog reader's that love Mr. Manny would get a kick out of it!

We recently headed to Jumper's playhouse, which is an inside bounce center for kids. The weather was pretty rainy that day, so we went for the morning. Liv love's the story-time and coloring the letter of the week which Daddy hang's in his office :) Liv is surprisingly not afraid of the bounce house, so I tried to get  a few pictures of her, this proving difficult when I wasn't actually in it. We are working on sharing, which when it comes to these bounce houses and certain playground equipment, Olivia refuses to share. She attempts to block the door of the bounce house and screams, "MINE," when other innocent children attempt to crawl in. I have a feeling this is our newest issue to work on !